Fount-N-Kleer II Filter Specification:
A case of 12 Fount-n-Kleer Water Filter Cartridges - Pricing is 10% less than individual filter price.
Each cartridge provides a higher degree of filtration by replacing the conventional foam canister or bag style filters commonly fount in the tank of fountain solution chilling re-circulators The pleated media has significantly tighter matrix of fiber providing a more torturous path for particulate to pass than that of a bag or foam filter media. The pleated construction also provides a larger surface area to increase dirt holding capacity over the bag style filter. Check out our best replacement water filters.
Specs: Micron rating: 40
Dimensions 2.6" x 9.5"
Hose barb: diameter - 1/2"
Media Surface Area: 6 sq ft
Capacity: 1 or 2 unit circulator up to 40"
5 gpm max flow rate. Replaces 7600EAE